Happy ending

The trip to Germany was a long one, but Rosy was patient. She showed so much trust, because she knew I would only put her through all this if it was for a good reason. Plus I'm sure she remembered I had promised her a happy ending :) Curled up on the back seat of the car for 25 hours, she waited.

Calm and patient
I treasured every moment of that trip, knowing that it was our first and last one together.

Somewhere in the forests of the Czech Republic
Rosy's new home is some 90 km outside Hamburg in a magical place in the middle of green meadows. As we were driving across the area, I was astonished by its beauty. Having lived in much drier parts of Europe for the last 17 years, I had forgotten how many shades of green there are ... I was looking around and thinking: what a wonderful place for Rosy to spend the rest of her life.

Odette was not expecting us so fast, so when we arrived, we just climbed the stairs leading to her yard and home quietly. 

Leading Rosy home
The first thing I noticed was a bowl of water and a basket with soft blankets prepared for Rosy. Rosy noticed them, too, and she went straight to her bowl.

Already feeling (like) home
The noise in the yard alarmed Odette and she came out to see us all for the first time. But it was their moment, not ours. Observing her first encounter with Rosy was a very precious moment for me. The connection between the two was instant. I knew right away that I was witnessing something wonderful.

The first encounter
A few words about Odette. We met online and we chatted a lot before meeting face to face. I already knew that she was probably the most unconventional person I had ever met. I also sensed that she was the best adoptive parent choice for Rosy. An artist and a spiritual healer with unique sensitivities when it comes to animal rights ... Do I have to say more? Odette has a banner saying "Freedom for humans and animals" in her garden. Quoting a friend: "a match made in heaven".
"Freedom for humans and animals"
We spent a few beautiful days in Germany with Odette and Rosy.
At a restaurant

Quality time 
One of the highlights of our stay was a local arts festival in which Odette participated with her art.
Rosy's first art exhibition
A really touching moment was when during a concert intermission, Odette got on stage and started talking to the audience. I couldn't understand much (or rather I couldn't understand a thing), but I could hear my name and Rosy's name in between the German words. Odette briefly told the people gathered there our story and then invited me on stage to say a couple of words. It was a great opportunity to tell them about the fate of many stray dogs in Greece and to thank Odette for opening her heart and home. Rosy was just one of so many Greek strays and what we did was merely a drop in the ocean, but it did make a world of difference in her life, and that's what counts.
Arts festival - speaking to the audience
I watched Rosy in her new environment. I was happy to see how comfortable she felt. Of course, there still is lots of work to be done; Rosy didn't leave her trauma behind when she travelled to Germany. But time, patience and perseverance that Odette is already offering Rosy will heal all the old wounds and will make it all so worthwhile! 
A new beginning

Feeling comfy :)
I thought saying goodbye would be so damn hard. But it wasn't, really. In fact, it felt good. It felt good because I knew I could never offer Rosy what Odette offered her. She offered her home and peace of mind that Rosy needed more than I had imagined. I had offered Rosy my love, but I couldn't make her mine.
See you soon <3

I would like to thank my partner, Dimitris, for helping me help Rosy all those months and for never ever questioning my sanity (I hope ;) ), not even when I told him that we were going to drive 2060 km to give Rosy that happy ending, and another 2060 km to get back home without her. Thank you. It wouldn't have been possible without you <3
Dimitris and Rosy

Rosy's name in Greek sounds more like Rosie rather than Rosy, but I opted for the latter spelling consciously. I believed that this story would be a rosy one with a happy ending. A truly rosy tale.

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